Monday, March 10, 2008

The Beginning

Ok, here we go. Many years ago, way before most had even heard of an Internet, I ran a computer bulletin board service (BBS) called The Inner Sanctum. Within the BBS I had an area I called Hollar On The Issues. I suppose that would be an early blog.

It was enjoyable, but, only one person at a time could log on as I only had one telephone line connected. That's right, no DSL back then. I even had a form of early email. You could actually write to someone in Europe and get a reply back in three days! Oh, we thought life just couldn't get any better than that.

So here I am now. What is this blog going to be about? I have absolutely no idea. I'm sure I'll be commenting about current events, like there aren't a zillion others doing the same thing. I think I will also just reflect on things that go on with life in general. I just can't say where that will take us.

I hope to keep up on this on a regular basis, but, no guarantees. So, I've got things to do right now. Got a sick kitty cat that needs attention.


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